Friday, November 4, 2011

What To Play This Holiday Season

 me:  there's some good games on amazon buy 2 get 1 free.... but I don't need more games 
 Sent at 1:21 PM on Friday
 Steven:  Yeah
I'm already getting kinda sick of battlefield
Their rewards are too slip apart.  It doesn't give you enough incremental benefits
I think I'm going to try to learn how to play the jets and helis though
 Sent at 1:38 PM on Friday
 me:  bummer
yeah i guess they should have made 2143 instead
 Sent at 3:28 PM on Friday
 Steven:  haha, maybe
I might be more on board now
 me:  the future is the future man
 Steven:  But it's gotta be a lot spacier
 me:  lol
so.... Quake 3?
 Steven:  Giant walking spider bots spacy
that would awesome!
now the Quake 3
but spider bot tanks
 me:  if they just added a conquest mod and vehicles, done
 Steven:  They already tried that though, Quake Wars
It was quite terrible
 Sent at 3:37 PM on Friday
 me:  oh yeah
well, maybe they should let DICE develop it
actually, maybe DICE should just make my goddamned mirror's edge 2
 Steven:  haha
 me:  this game seems to be kind of a let-down
for people
do you think MW3 is going to be any good?
 Steven:  I don't think it's a let down.  It's everything I wanted in BF, I just realized that everything I wanted can be kinda boring
 me:  lol
 Steven:  it's MY fault!
 me:  LOL
 Steven:  I dunno about that MW3
It's fun until you realize that it's bullshit

I guess I'll just keep playing Dark Souls.  You should do that too, if you aren't already.  It's great, 10/10.