The following is a letter I sent to Nintendo today after some thought about their free game promotion announced on today's nintendo direct. I submitted it through their support page.
Hi, I'm writing to express my disappointment over the free game promotion announced in today's Nintendo Direct. Specifically, the detail that it is only available to 3DS XL owners who register their units after February 14th, 2013. I purchased my unit in November, and have been enjoying it ever since. I understand that this is an incentive designed to encourage new customers to purchase 3DS XL units and Luigi's Mansion both, but it seems awfully unfair to loyal fans who already own the platform and are also planning on purchasing Luigi's Mansion. Obviously, it's unreasonable to expect Nintendo to give away free downloads of titles such as Mario 3d Land to every XL owner who buys Luigi's Mansion, but in light of this promotion it would be nice if loyal customers such as myself were rewarded in some way. I'm not sure if this is appropriate forum by which to express my disappointment, so if it is not, could you please forward my message on through the proper channels.
Thanks very much! I'm otherwise a huge fan of the platform and am especially enjoying Fire Emblem right now! How about a new Kirby's Dream Course game for 3DS? It would be awesome, right?
I've never written a letter to a game company before. I feel like such a nerd. Oh! For more about today's Nintendo Direct be sure to check out the main site, Gaijin Densetsu!